Top Ten Signs To Recognize a Cheating Spouse

Revealed by Active Cheaters

  • Less than 18% of men and 15% of women surveyed have been caught cheating

  • More than a third say if their partner challenged them, they would probably admit it

  • Keeping their cell phone close to them is the most commonly recognized sign of cheaters

Catching a cheating partner isn’t as easy as one might think, as only 15% of cheating women, and 18% of adulterous men have ever been caught, according to the survey sample. And just 30% of both cheating men and women believe their partner has been suspicious when they have arrived home from a date with their lover.

The survey, conducted by Victoria Milan – a dating website for married and attached people looking to cheat – questioned 5.780 of its active members to discover how they would react if they were caught cheating, and which are the top ten ‘signs of a cheater’ after a date with his/her lover.

Getting caught having an affair is the most undesirable outcome, and if busted, it seems males and females would react differently. More than a third of women say they wouldn’t try to cover up – they would admit they were having an affair, just to see what would happen. Men are torn between acting surprised and demanding evidence, and admitting straightforwardly that they have been sleeping with someone else. The second most popular reaction from men is to bluntly deny they are in a relationship with someone else.

Cheaters surveyed gave some inside information on how best to tell if your partner is having an affair. The majority of men and women say the top three tells of a cheating spouse are: they become more of their privacy – keeping their cell phone and email accounts close to them (33%), they start to keep a physical distance and avoid eye contact (15%), and they are dressing too well and become more concerned about their appearance (13%).

Top ten signs of a cheating spouse coming back from a date

  1. Being extra careful with your privacy (cell phone, email)

  2. Keeping distance from your partner and avoiding eye contact

  3. Looking too good: well-dressed and extra-worried about your appearance

  4. Not behaving naturally: not being concerned about family matters, being focused on other things

  5. Showering at strange hours or putting clothes directly in the laundry

  6. Forgetting your alibi and mixing your mind up

  7. Being extra loving and kind because you feel guilty

  8. Having lipstick marks or a perfume smell on your clothes

  9. Going to bed right away and making excuses not to have sex

  10. Keeping bills or invoices of dates

Founder and CEO of Victoria Milan, Sigurd Vedal, said cheaters prefer not to get caught – they like to have their cake and eat it too.

It takes one to know one: and our cheaters know exactly which of their behaviors will indicate they are having an affair – because they are adopting these exact behaviors themselves. Our research shows they’re extremely good at it too as very few of our cheaters get caught, Mr. Vedal said.


2,316 female and 3,464 male members of Victoria Milan polled

Have you ever been caught having an affair?

Female Male
Yes 15% 18%
No 85% 82%

Has your partner ever been suspicious when you came back home from a date with your lover?

Female Male
Yes 27% 30%
No 73% 70%

How would you react if you got busted after a secret date?

Female Male
I would laugh, so it seems natural 8% 10%
I would argue, to show it isn’t true 14% 3%
I would bluntly deny it 22% 27%
I would act surprised and ask for evidence 24% 30%
I would admit it, and see what happens 32% 30%

How would you recognize a cheater coming back from a date?

Female and male
Keeping distance and avoiding eye contact 15%
Being extra careful with privacy (cell phone, email) 33%
Showering at strange hours or putting clothes directly in the laundry 7%
Having lipstick marks or a perfume smell on their clothes 5%
Keeping bills or invoices from dates 1%
Going to bed right away and making excuses not to have sex 4%
Being extra loving and kind because you feel guilty 5%
Forgetting your alibi and mixing your stories up 6%
Not behaving naturally: not being concerned about family matters, being focused on other things 11%
Looking too good: well-dressed and extra worried about your appearance 13%
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